Gysflash 100-12 HF is a 100A high power stabilised supply incorporating Inverter technology with 5 functions :
Battery support: sustains 12V (liquid or gel) automotive battery during diagnostic work
Advance battery charger: ensures an ideal charging cycle for battery maintenance for the most modern vehicle
Showroom mode: maintains batteries in showroom vehicles
In «battery change» mode, will maintain electrical supply to preserve vehicle memory settings
High power stabilised supply: voltage & current adjustable
exclusive of vaT
gysflash 100.12 hf
Automatic restart
Cable test and calibration
Showroom mode lock
“Easy charge” mode
Activate and adjust an “expert” charging curve
Automatic SOS recovery for sulphated battery
Automatic restart
Cable test and calibration
Showroom mode lock
“Easy charge” mode
Activate and adjust an “expert” charging curve
Automatic SOS recovery for sulphated battery